Two Years of ProtectiveStyles, Healthy Again!

This client came to me two years ago with extreme damage from relaxing and coloring her hair at the same time. Her hair was shedding, falling out and was too short to grasp and braid. But we worked on that……..length check!!! She took her weave out and I was fine…I just want my girls hair…

Way to Grow

So this is the second day I’ve had my hair out, and I am going to go ahead and put it up again. I’ve been combing through it feeling that itch we all have, where we want to do something new and crazy with it, color it, cut it, flat iron the life out of…

Weavemaster Tam, How Long Should I Wear My Extensions?

There’s an inevitable question I find myself answering when I am installing a fresh weave on one of my clients. That question is usually introduced when I’m sewing on the last track, ready to start blending, cutting or flat ironing/curling….and that is “Tam, I’m trying to grow my hair out, how long should I keep…

Weavemaster Tam is now providing the Perfect-Net System

Weavemaster Tam is now providing the Perfect-Net System For those who are looking to give their hair a break from thread and weight, and are looking for the optimum protective style I am offering my hand-sewn perfect net system. It’s a weaveable piece that is custom fit to your head that cuts your appointment dramatically,…

UPart Wig is done!

I’m done and I love it! I wanted Tracie Ellis Ross bouncy curls. Blending was easy, I will do a tutorial on that later but I love how this turned out! It’s flatter than a weave and I have four cornrows under. Best part, I don’t have to use heat on my hair, flat twists…

U Part Wig

Lately I have been doing more and more U Part Wigs. I think they are an amazing way to give your hair a rest from tension in the crown of your scalp. Even braided weaves can put tension on your locks when it’s over done. I wanted to show off one I was doing for…